How to learn Japanese | Tkanjipractice

How to learn Japanese

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How to learn Japanese | Tkanjipractice

The roadmap to learn Japnese from the very basic is given in the list below, click on a topic for more details.

Japanese pronunciations
The first step is to have an idea of "How Japanese words sound" so you get the of how to read and write Japanese words in English (Romaji form). Learn about the very easy to learn pronunciation of Japanese.

  • Learn some basic phrases
Learn some basic phrases like 'Good morning, 'Good night', 'Hello', 'My name is...', 'I am .... years old' etc. to feel that you have started learning Japanese.

Learn Japanese from one to ten. Then use these numbers to learn counting upto whatever numbers you like.

Next step is to learn the first character or alphabet set of Japanese language. This is the first step in writing Japanese.

After learning Hiragana, you can show off to your friends by writing your name and their names on notebooks in Hiragana or whatever evil plan you have in your mind.

  • Learn how to make simple sentences
Learn how to make simple describing sentences like 'That is a car', 'This is pencil', 'That car is blue', 'That dog is cute', 'I like ...' 'I dislike ...' etc.

  • Learn about particles
Japanese language uses for marking different parts of the sentence like subject, object, topic, question etc.

  • Learn Verb conjugation
Learn conjugation of verb for using them. Different types of sentences use different forms of verbs like how the verb is changed while describing something, in negative sentences, in questions, in past tense etc.

Learn Katakana which is the next character or alphabet set of Japanese language. After learning Katakana, you can write foreign or loan words in Japanese. 

If you are a non native Japanese, then your name would also be written in Katakana in correct Japanese. 

  • Learn about Counters
For counting things there are some sets of words in Japanese called counters.

What is Kanji
This is the last charcter set of Japanese. It is also the largest character set consisting of thousands of different characters but do not worry, you do not have to learn all of them.

 You just need to learn a few of them over the course of some months or years as the native Japanese do.

  • JFZ
I learnt Japanese from a Youtube channel named 'Japanese from zero'. It had a playlist of about 104 episodes.
He teaches step by step from a beginner level. You should try it.

  • Keep expanding your vocabulary and Grammer
By watching anime, movies, learning Kanji, doing Japanese courses, translating your favourite songs, reading manga, conversing and chatting with people over the internet and in person.

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